Welcome to support for the legal profession of the future.

Lawyer well-being isn’t just a “hot topic.”

When lawyers lack well-being, not only do they suffer, but those around them do as well -- including their clients, colleagues, and loved ones. Ultimately, the entire legal profession suffers as we become known as the most emotionally unhealthy profession. This isn’t exactly the bright future we dreamt about or worked so hard to create for ourselves during crushing nights in the law library or exhausting days of prep for the bar exam.

Even more, lawyer well-being is a mission critical business interest for lawyers and legal employers.


Weave well-being into the fabric of your firm 

We help you make lawyer well-being integral rather than sporadic in order to…

Host Programs That Inspire and Catalyze

Engaging, Informative, Practical Presentations on Topics Your Team Needs.

Create Well-Being for Your Entire Organization

Uplevel Your Firm's Well-Being & Professional Development with the EsquireWell Academy

Individual coaching on blocks to your success and well-being

The Lawyer Well-Being Deep Dive, Everyone needs someone in their corner


Explore on-demand access to EsquireWell’s monthly programs, featuring well-being and professional development trainings, workshops, interviews, Q&A, coaching, desk yoga, mindfulness sessions, and more valuable resources!



Well-being Partnership Program 

Transform your law firm with our comprehensive approach to well-being. This isn't just support; it's a complete integration of well-being into every layer of your organization: your staff, your leadership, and your firm's culture.

Unite your firm in well-being

Launch with a firm-wide workshop that energizes your entire team and gets everyone on the same page around well-being.



Create a culture of caring

Get strategies to align your firm's operations with your well-being commitment, making caring a cornerstone of the workplace.



Help your whole team thrive

Nurture your current and future leaders with 1:1 coaching, securing a pipeline of well-equipped, resilient, and insightful leadership.

Statistics Show That...

  • Nearly 50% of lawyers experience lack of well-being and burnout (and more than 60% of junior and mid level associates). Think for a moment about one of your colleagues. Of the two of you, one of you is feeling burned-out.
  • Lawyers rank fourth in proportion of suicides by profession. 

And perhaps most telling, a quick search on Google using the terms ‘quit law’ reveals 316 million results. (By contrast, ‘quit dentistry’ returns 8 million, and ‘quit teaching’ just 61 million.)

No doubt about it, the profession is in need of a reality check. A chance to create a reset and reboot. We need to ‘Esquire Well.’

Luckily, with focus and intention, a healthy environment is achievable. Here at EsquireWell, we serve individuals and organizations with comprehensive, innovative, and evidence-based support and resources. From large law firms, boutique and regional law firms, in-house legal departments, public-sector legal employers, and law schools to individual attorneys and law students, we work with organizations and people who understand:

Lawyers who have well-being also enjoy better practices, relationships, and overall success.

Why choose EsquireWell?

Our program is more than a response to a trend; it’s a solution to the core issue facing law firms today:
transforming well-being from an extra task into an integral part of your firm's culture.

Drawing on our 20+ years of development (in leadership, career, business, and personal), we make it easy for law firms to embrace well-being as a natural, ingrained part of their business operations.

By choosing EsquireWell, you’re not adding another item to your lawyers’ to-do lists; you’re embedding a culture of well-being that boosts productivity and job satisfaction without additional strain on your team's time. 



Join our community and start transforming your approach to well-being in law

Sign up now to receive regular emails packed with practical well-being ideas, inspiring solutions, and empowering words from our founder, Kendra, Esq. MSW.

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly receive our insightful guide, “How Emotional Intelligence Is The Key To Thriving As A Lawyer”