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It’s Well-Being Week in Law!

health well-being

Happy May 1! It’s incredible that May is already here, and - with it - Mental Health Awareness Month.

And not only that, this week, May 1 - May 5, is Well-Being Week in Law. Every year, the first week of May is designated “Well-Being Week in Law” (WWIL), and many organizations take the opportunity to host programs, create well-being challenges, hand out wellness swag, and more. It’s a terrific reminder of the importance of well-being in the legal profession.

There is just a bit of risk, though, to having a designated week for well-being in the legal profession (much as I support it.) 

Well-being in law isn’t a one week issue - it’s an issue all 52 weeks of the year. Sometimes organizations pack so much well-being goodness into one week, but then the other 51 weeks it feels hard to get people to focus on well-being. And it’s not for lack of trying on the part of legal professionals who create the programming - they are doing their best for sure.

But I witness some organizations and lawyers say “We did Well-Being Week - isn’t that enough?”. 

No, it’s not. 

People need support, programming, and opportunities all year round.

They need to be a part of a culture that doesn’t just “check the box” by “doing” Well-Being Week. They need cultures that honor and build their well-being every week of the year. 

Professional staff committed to well-being and professional development need their leadership’s buy-in throughout the year to put on the kind of programs and initiatives that raise the entire team’s well-being - for the good of the individuals, the entire organization, and the organization’s clients. 

 So - yes! - please acknowledge, plan, and participate in all sorts of wonderful well-being activities during Well-Being Week in Law! But don’t forget to carry that focus with you throughout the year.

For those planning activities for Well-Being Week - thank you! I know it can ironically be a stressful week to plan so many well-being activities.

For those of you who have someone in your organization managing the well-being activities this week - please thank them! They are going above and beyond to support the well-being of your organization and everyone in it!