Fireworks and Feelings: A Personal Story to Light Up Your Emotional Intelligence! growth mindset performance stress

 Explosive, bright ideas: emotional regulation and legal success


I hope you're all enjoying the summer as much as we are in my family! 

I’m at the Professional Development Consortium (PDC) conference in San Diego, but I wanted to pop into your inbox and share a personal...

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Tricky political conversations? How to have them - from the conference room to the kitchen table authenticity habit holidays mindset

Navigating political conversations in the workplace with emotional intelligence


I’m writing this to you from my hometown of Franklin Grove, Illinois (population 950). I’m here visiting my family for Father’s Day weekend, so I get to see both my dad and mom, but also my...

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Creating a Culture of Caring growth habit mindset productivity

My trip and fall left a lasting impression - not in a good way!


Last week, my neighbors moved away after several years of living up the street. Although we didn't know each other well, we occasionally encountered each other at neighborhood gatherings. They certainly seemed nice enough, and...

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Memorial Day Reset: Permission to relax to bolster performance and well-being happiness holidays mindset self-care

How to embrace rest to be at your best!


As Memorial Day weekend approaches here in the United States, many of us in the legal profession are gearing up for a much-needed break. This long holiday weekend isn't just a time to honor and remember those who have served; it's also an opportunity...

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Unlock Creativity and Resilience: The Benefits of Finding Delight happiness mindset money well-being

Joy Matters: A Legal Professional’s Guide to Finding Delight in Small Things


I’ve been trying to see the Northern Lights for years. I have an app to alert me when a sighting is possible. I’m in the “Aurora Chasers” Facebook group. Every time I’d hear the...

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Celebrating Well-Being Week in Law goals growth health mindset well-being

Reasons to Embrace Well-Being Week and How To Do It


Happy May! I can’t believe it’s already May and the first four months of the year are complete.  At the beginning of the year, Well-Being Week in Law felt so far away, but now it's right around the corner. 

Next week...

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Lessons from the Road: Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Well-Being on a Solar Eclipse Adventure happiness mindset self-care work/life balance

What we learned on our great eclipse roadtrip!

Earlier this week, I had an incredible (maybe once-in-a-lifetime) opportunity to take a road trip with my daughter, who's in her sophomore year of college, from Minneapolis to Indianapolis to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse. 

(Did you...

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Embracing Happiness in the Legal World: Lessons from World Happiness Day happiness mindset well-being work/life balance

How to counteract being in an unhappy profession in an unhappy country!


Yesterday (March 20) was the “United Nations International Day of Happiness”, and it also marked the release of the annual “Happiest Countries” report. (Here’s the full report in case you...

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Legal Success Starts Within: Recognizing Your Worth confidence growth mindset well-being

How valuing who you are leads to improved well-being and performance.


The other day, I saw this quote by Malcolm Forbes:

 “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

Wow - gut punch. How many of us focus much more on the things we “are...

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Transform Challenges into Opportunities: The Power of Cognitive Reframing growth habit happiness mindset

Making lemonade as a strategy for success!


This past Monday was President’s Day, so our kids were off of school. We decided to grab lunch at their favorite place (Cane’s Chicken) and go see a movie (“Wonka”).

The box combo at Cane’s is a hefty meal, so we had...

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Words Matter! Create a culture of caring and belonging using inclusive language. authenticity change growth mindset

Choose your words thoughtfully - words have power!

It’s been a busy few weeks in our home! After the holidays, we got out of the chilly Minnesota winter for a bit to escape to Florida. And since then, we’ve been using at least one day a week to visit colleges with our youngest...

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Compliments: The Legal Team's Recipe for Success 🍰 confidence happiness mindset

Whisk up well-being and performance with a pinch of compliments!

Is it just me, or is January flying by? How is it already the third week of January? That being said, as a Minnesotan, I’m already longing for sunnier, warmer days and just bought some tulip bulbs in a pot for my kitchen...

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