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Navigating the State Fair of Life: Choices, Boundaries, and Well-Being for Legal Professionals goals having what matters performance stress

Last week, my family and I visited the Minnesota State Fair (the “Great Minnesota Get-Together”), an annual tradition for our family filled with all the sensory delights you could imagine—mouth-watering food, endless activities, and a vibrant atmosphere. 

The State Fair is...

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Break free from these 5 obstacles to your success and well-being! goals habit holidays performance

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July - so here is an advance “Happy Fourth of July!” since you are hopefully out of the office tomorrow relaxing a bit. 

Before I check out for a long weekend of fireworks, s’mores around the campfire, boat rides on one of Minnesota’s 10,000...

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Celebrating Well-Being Week in Law goals growth health mindset well-being

Happy May! I can’t believe it’s already May and the first four months of the year are complete.  At the beginning of the year, Well-Being Week in Law felt so far away, but now it's right around the corner. 

Next week is Well-being Week in Law from May 6-10, it's a perfect...

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A Year-End Pause for Reflection and Restoration goals growth well-being

As we approach the end of another year, it's a perfect time to pause, reflect, and gather our strength for the journey ahead. I’ve been inspired by your dedication and growth throughout 2023, and I’m so grateful for your continued presence in our EsquireWell community.  


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How to use emotional intelligence for end-of-year business development goals growth money

Thanksgiving is behind us, and “year-end” is in full swing. This means three things: Starbucks is using their seasonal coffee cups, holiday music is playing in every store, and clients are reevaluating their current legal representation. 

For this week, I wanted to take a moment...

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Shape your future with two simple words goals mindset

Wow - how is it the last day of July? I can’t believe we are in the waning days of summer. It feels like it just started.

I had so many plans for things I was going to accomplish this summer.

I was going to:

  • Have a clean, organized basement.
  • Lose a few extra pounds that had crept on over...
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Using birthday candles to ignite new habits goals habit

Happy Monday! Our EsquireWell community continues to grow, and I'm so happy you are here!

It feels like summer is officially at least half over. 

My birthday was yesterday, and when I was growing up, it always felt like once my birthday was over, the new school year was around the corner.


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Anything worth having is worth waiting for goals growth well-being

It’s Fourth of July week, and I hope you had a wonderful long weekend! Did you get to see fireworks? With such a dry spell in so many areas of the country, I saw that some areas were having “laser shows” rather than fireworks because the burn risk was so high. Whatever you did...

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We don't talk about ... money! Oh yes, we do! goals health money well-being

In my work, I don't shy away from the hard topics, the awkward questions, and the subjects that make us feel uncomfortable. Why not? Because that's where the growth is!

Plus, I always believe that it doesn't do anyone any favors to not talk about the things that we really need to talk...

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If you can't say something nice ... goals growth habit

How is it possible that January 2023 is almost in the rearview mirror? I hope your first month of the new year has been a terrific one!

How are your New Year's goals and resolutions sticking? Are you feeling overwhelmed with work this month with unfinished work from 2022 with new work piled on...

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Celebrating MLK Day and Lunar New Year change goals

Today, we observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

One of my favorite quotes of Dr. King is this one: "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

This quote is such a beautiful reminder that no...

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Learn the Exact Strategies I'm Going to Use to Hit My 2023 Goals! Let's do this together! goals growth habit

How is your 2023 so far? I've been thinking of you and hoping that your new year is going great!

Did you set New Year's resolutions and goals? I did! 

Yes, we can set new goals any time, but the new year is a particularly good time to set them. Something about the "out with the old, in with...

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