Embrace the Habits of Elite Athletes: A Guide for Lawyers and Legal Professionals confidence growth performance work/life balance

Treat yourself like the high-performer that you are!

Heidi Brown, author of "The Flourishing Lawyer," was the guest expert on the EsquireWell Academy Monthly Masterclass. We had such a fabulous discussion about the “Lawyer’s Peak Performance Playbook” - how to unleash your inner...

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Rethinking Sleep: A Necessity for Legal Professionals habit health performance self-care

March 15 is World Sleep Day!


How often have we heard or even said to ourselves, "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? 

It's a common refrain in the legal profession, where long hours and late nights are often worn as badges of honor. But at what cost? 

Tomorrow (March 15) is World Sleep...

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Embrace the Healing Power of Nature growth health performance well-being

Elevate your legal game by stepping into the great outdoors.


I’m writing this from the patio at our AirBNB in Florida as our family wraps up a little “snow-bird” trip from frost-bitten Minnesota to balmy southern Florida! 

My family is still asleep, so I’m...

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