Feeling productive? Reflections on World Productivity Day! holidays productivity self-care well-being

The important difference between productive and busy


It’s not lost on me that during one fo the busiest weeks I’ve had in my business, yesterday, June 20, was World Productivity Day—a day dedicated to celebrating and promoting the importance of productivity in our lives...

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Memorial Day Reset: Permission to relax to bolster performance and well-being happiness holidays mindset self-care

How to embrace rest to be at your best!


As Memorial Day weekend approaches here in the United States, many of us in the legal profession are gearing up for a much-needed break. This long holiday weekend isn't just a time to honor and remember those who have served; it's also an opportunity...

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Lessons from the Road: Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Well-Being on a Solar Eclipse Adventure happiness mindset self-care work/life balance

What we learned on our great eclipse roadtrip!

Earlier this week, I had an incredible (maybe once-in-a-lifetime) opportunity to take a road trip with my daughter, who's in her sophomore year of college, from Minneapolis to Indianapolis to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse. 

(Did you...

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Rethinking Sleep: A Necessity for Legal Professionals habit health performance self-care

March 15 is World Sleep Day!


How often have we heard or even said to ourselves, "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? 

It's a common refrain in the legal profession, where long hours and late nights are often worn as badges of honor. But at what cost? 

Tomorrow (March 15) is World Sleep...

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The Power of Disconnecting: Celebrating National Unplugging Day habit health self-care stress

Enjoy a digital detox (or at least a digital diet) to feel and perform better.

I’m on my phone … a lot. I’ll admit it. I try not to use it when I should otherwise be present with others, but even then, I’m guilty of a quick under-the-table email glance. I’m working...

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Using love as a secret weapon to help you feel and perform better! confidence self-care well-being

Modeling self-love and self-compassion on Valentine’s Day and beyond


Happy Valentine’s Day! 

On Valentine’s Day, we usually talk about showering love on others. Chocolates, roses, greeting cards, dinners out. It’s usually all about someone else.

But what if we...

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Seasons of life and work: It’s not about having it all; it’s about having what matters! change happiness having what matters self-care work/life balance

Navigate the seasons of work and life for optimum well-being and success!


I’m always watching for themes and patterns, and one thing that’s been coming up this last week in questions following the presentations I’m giving and in my private coaching is the theme of...

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Focus on Well-Being in the 2023 Home Stretch! happiness self-care stress

Welcome to December! It’s that complicated time of year where many of us try to celebrate holidays and fill our homes with peace, love, and joy while feeling the opposite at work!

We get to experience the competing emotions of joy and stress. As courtrooms and boardrooms grow quiet and...

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5 Ways to Stay Physically Healthy During the Holiday Season health self-care stress

Buckle up, it’s here - the holiday season! For our Canadian friends, Thanksgiving is already in the rearview mirror, and for those of us in the United States, it’s just three weeks away. That’s not to mention the long list of winter holidays between now and January.

So brace...

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World Mental Health Day Edition: It’s okay not to be okay! growth self-care strength vulnerability

Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 10) is World Mental Health Day. Mental health is a foundational component of well-being, so I want to devote this blog to mental health and breaking down the stigmas around it.  

World Mental Health Day: A Brief History

Every year on October 10th, the...

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The least selfish thing you can do today health self-care well-being

Happy Self-Care Day! 

You read that right - July 24 is Self-Care Day. Why July 24? Because self-care is important 24/7 (or 7/24). 

What is self-care, and why is it so important for your health? “Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care...

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I don't usually "go rogue" but I will on this ... happiness self-care stress

This past weekend, I took a quick trip down to my hometown of Franklin Grove, Illinois (population: 950). The kids were occupied at various camps and activities, and my husband (Ryan) and I were able to get away just the two of us which was particularly nice because Saturday was our 23rd wedding...

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