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New Year, New Goals: Why Quarterly Planning is a Game-Changer goals growth health holidays

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that your new year is off to a terrific start. I’m just getting back into the swing of things with those last couple of weird workweeks (was I the only one who barely knew what day of the week it was the last two weeks?) and my...

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Strong Roots, Stronger You: The Foundation of Well-Being and Success health holidays self-care well-being

One of my favorite moments during the holiday season is sitting in the quiet glow of our holiday tree early in the morning. It’s that magical time before the house comes alive, before my family wakes up and the day gets going. With a cup of coffee in hand, I take a moment to just be - to...

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Silent Nights, Rested Days: Rest and Recharge Before the New Year happiness holidays self-care stress

I’m writing this note to you this morning on the last day of the last full workweek of the year, and I’m sipping coffee out of my favorite holiday mug that says: “All Mama Wants is a Silent Night.” It’s a playful reminder of what so many of us crave at the end of a...

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The Power of Hobbies: Finding Joy, Connection, and a Little Magic happiness holidays mindset well-being

Life as a lawyer or legal professional can feel like a whirlwind - deadlines, client demands, and never-ending to-do lists. It’s so easy to push our own passions to the back burner. But here’s the thing: making time for hobbies, especially creative ones, can change everything.

For me,...

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Outsmart Yourself: A Gift to Your Future Self habit having what matters holidays well-being

Greetings from Scottsdale, Arizona! I’m here at a conference, catching up with friends and clients who work in professional development in the legal profession. 

Conferences are always a mix of connection and chaos, so I’ve developed a few habits to make things run smoother.


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World Mental Health Day: Because Work is Better with Friends health holidays well-being work/life balance

Happy World Mental Health Day! As we take a moment today to shine a light on the importance of mental health, there’s something we sometimes overlook: how friendships, especially in the workplace, can play a huge role in our overall well-being. 

As lawyers and legal professionals,...

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Break free from these 5 obstacles to your success and well-being! goals habit holidays performance

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July - so here is an advance “Happy Fourth of July!” since you are hopefully out of the office tomorrow relaxing a bit. 

Before I check out for a long weekend of fireworks, s’mores around the campfire, boat rides on one of Minnesota’s 10,000...

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Feeling productive? Reflections on World Productivity Day! holidays productivity self-care well-being

It’s not lost on me that during one fo the busiest weeks I’ve had in my business, yesterday, June 20, was World Productivity Day—a day dedicated to celebrating and promoting the importance of productivity in our lives and work.

Ideally, World Productivity Day is a chance to...

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Tricky political conversations? How to have them - from the conference room to the kitchen table authenticity habit holidays mindset

I’m writing this to you from my hometown of Franklin Grove, Illinois (population 950). I’m here visiting my family for Father’s Day weekend, so I get to see both my dad and mom, but also my 91-year-old grandmother who still lives nearby.

My family and I don’t always see...

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Memorial Day Reset: Permission to relax to bolster performance and well-being happiness holidays mindset self-care

As Memorial Day weekend approaches here in the United States, many of us in the legal profession are gearing up for a much-needed break. This long holiday weekend isn't just a time to honor and remember those who have served; it's also an opportunity to recharge our own batteries.

For lawyers and...

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Permission to not be “holly jolly” during the holidays holidays stress well-being

The winter solstice is this week on Thursday, December 21. It’s the longest day of the year. And the darkest day of the year.

The church I used to play the organ at always held an annual “Blue Christmas” service on the equinox. At first, when I heard about it, I didn’t get...

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