Lessons from the Road: Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Well-Being on a Solar Eclipse Adventure happiness mindset self-care work/life balance

What we learned on our great eclipse roadtrip!

Earlier this week, I had an incredible (maybe once-in-a-lifetime) opportunity to take a road trip with my daughter, who's in her sophomore year of college, from Minneapolis to Indianapolis to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse. 

(Did you...

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Embrace the Habits of Elite Athletes: A Guide for Lawyers and Legal Professionals confidence growth performance work/life balance

Treat yourself like the high-performer that you are!

Heidi Brown, author of "The Flourishing Lawyer," was the guest expert on the EsquireWell Academy Monthly Masterclass. We had such a fabulous discussion about the “Lawyer’s Peak Performance Playbook” - how to unleash your inner...

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Embracing Happiness in the Legal World: Lessons from World Happiness Day happiness mindset well-being work/life balance

How to counteract being in an unhappy profession in an unhappy country!


Yesterday (March 20) was the “United Nations International Day of Happiness”, and it also marked the release of the annual “Happiest Countries” report. (Here’s the full report in case you...

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Seasons of life and work: Itā€™s not about having it all; itā€™s about having what matters! change happiness having what matters self-care work/life balance

Navigate the seasons of work and life for optimum well-being and success!


I’m always watching for themes and patterns, and one thing that’s been coming up this last week in questions following the presentations I’m giving and in my private coaching is the theme of...

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The Surprising Power of Adult Friendships health well-being work/life balance

One week ago today, my husband and I were just getting back from a few days spent in Austin, Texas with two of our dear friends from college.

Getting away isn’t easy for us. Between our full-time work and two kids still at home, it’s pretty challenging to find coverage for our...

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How healthy pressure fuels your performance growth stress work/life balance

Happy Tuesday!  This is coming to you Tuesday morning (rather than the usual Monday morning jumpstart to your week) since yesterday was Labor Day, and I hoped you were offline enjoying time with family and friends during the long weekend.

My family hit the Minnesota State Fair as we do each...

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Balancing breaks and billables health well-being work/life balance

In our home, there’s one more weekend before the start of the school year (Minnesota schools typically start after Labor Day; I know many of your schools are already back in session.)

That means a few more late nights watching our favorite streaming shows with our teenagers.

One more...

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It's not all about how smart you are! health mindset strength work/life balance

This week, I want to introduce you to the four main components of emotional intelligence. This is a topic that's been coming up so much in my coaching and speaking work, so I wanted to share the nuts and bolts with you.

I'm guessing you might have heard of emotional intelligence before, but I...

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Creating an Authentic Life in and Out of Work authenticity having what matters work/life balance

Sometimes I feel sorry for the term “work/life balance.” Here’s why …

It used to be the “it” topic. Everyone wanted to talk about it. It was popular. It was the be-all, end-all. But then people got over it, got sick of it, got tired of it because they realized...

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