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Paws for Thought: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Lessons from Our New Dog change habit mindset vulnerability

A few weeks ago, my oldest daughter and I met a sweet rescue dog named Sadie. We connected with her immediately—her gentle eyes and tentative wag of the tail spoke volumes. But just as we were about to welcome her into our family, life got hectic. I had speaking engagements in Philadelphia,...

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Full Circle: How Merry-Go-Rounds Teach Us About Breaking Old Habits change growth habit performance

This weekend is the annual city festival in our town. Every year since the kids were small, we stop by, eat some “fair food”, check out the vendors, and let the kids ride a few carnival rides.

This got me thinking about the merry-go-rounds that we all see at every carnival, especially...

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Break free from these 5 obstacles to your success and well-being! goals habit holidays performance

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July - so here is an advance “Happy Fourth of July!” since you are hopefully out of the office tomorrow relaxing a bit. 

Before I check out for a long weekend of fireworks, s’mores around the campfire, boat rides on one of Minnesota’s 10,000...

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Tricky political conversations? How to have them - from the conference room to the kitchen table authenticity habit holidays mindset

I’m writing this to you from my hometown of Franklin Grove, Illinois (population 950). I’m here visiting my family for Father’s Day weekend, so I get to see both my dad and mom, but also my 91-year-old grandmother who still lives nearby.

My family and I don’t always see...

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Creating a Culture of Caring growth habit mindset productivity

Last week, my neighbors moved away after several years of living up the street. Although we didn't know each other well, we occasionally encountered each other at neighborhood gatherings. They certainly seemed nice enough, and we always exchanged pleasantries and small talk at the mailbox or...

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Rethinking Sleep: A Necessity for Legal Professionals habit health performance self-care

How often have we heard or even said to ourselves, "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? 

It's a common refrain in the legal profession, where long hours and late nights are often worn as badges of honor. But at what cost? 

Tomorrow (March 15) is World Sleep Day, so I invited my dear friend and...

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The Power of Disconnecting: Celebrating National Unplugging Day habit health self-care stress

I’m on my phone … a lot. I’ll admit it. I try not to use it when I should otherwise be present with others, but even then, I’m guilty of a quick under-the-table email glance. I’m working on it, really I am.

Even yesterday, this came up in our family. Our daughter...

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Transform Challenges into Opportunities: The Power of Cognitive Reframing growth habit happiness mindset

This past Monday was President’s Day, so our kids were off of school. We decided to grab lunch at their favorite place (Cane’s Chicken) and go see a movie (“Wonka”).

The box combo at Cane’s is a hefty meal, so we had a few extra chicken tenders. In my rush to get to...

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The fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to calm down growth habit simplicity

Full confession: the last few weeks have felt a bit more harried than usual, and even though I try to be a good role model in all things well-being (you know, “walking the talk” and all), sometimes I have to remind myself of the very things I speak and coach about.

This time of year...

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Using birthday candles to ignite new habits goals habit

Happy Monday! Our EsquireWell community continues to grow, and I'm so happy you are here!

It feels like summer is officially at least half over. 

My birthday was yesterday, and when I was growing up, it always felt like once my birthday was over, the new school year was around the corner.


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If you can't say something nice ... goals growth habit

How is it possible that January 2023 is almost in the rearview mirror? I hope your first month of the new year has been a terrific one!

How are your New Year's goals and resolutions sticking? Are you feeling overwhelmed with work this month with unfinished work from 2022 with new work piled on...

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Learn the Exact Strategies I'm Going to Use to Hit My 2023 Goals! Let's do this together! goals growth habit

How is your 2023 so far? I've been thinking of you and hoping that your new year is going great!

Did you set New Year's resolutions and goals? I did! 

Yes, we can set new goals any time, but the new year is a particularly good time to set them. Something about the "out with the old, in with...

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