A Year-End Pause for Reflection and Restoration

goals growth well-being

As we approach the end of another year, it's a perfect time to pause, reflect, and gather our strength for the journey ahead. I’ve been inspired by your dedication and growth throughout 2023, and I’m so grateful for your continued presence in our EsquireWell community.  

During this season, my most sincere wish for you is a time of peace, joy, and happiness. I hope you find rest and fulfillment as you reflect on the hard work and accomplishments of the past year. Give yourself credit for all you’ve done, professionally and personally, including work others can see and the internal work you’ve done on your own growth and development.

As we all enjoy this well-deserved break, I invite you to contemplate three questions that can guide your reflections and intentions. These are questions I ponder each year in this “bridge” week between the outgoing and incoming year. I often share these with my coaching clients, and I hope they are meaningful to you as well.

Consider each of these questions in whatever way resonates with you. 

(Some things you could reflect on: habits, boundaries, behaviors, mindsets/beliefs/ways of thinking, commitments, work tasks and projects, ways of being in relationships with others, physical possessions, health, self-care, spiritual practices, etc. The list goes on and on - those are just ideas to get your juices flowing!)

  1. What are you leaving in 2023? 
  2. What are you keeping or continuing in 2024? 
  3. What are you starting in 2024? 

I hope these questions spark insightful reflections and guide you toward a fulfilling new year.