Beat the Holiday Blues

health self-care

It's the first week of December and the last month of 2022. We are in the season of holidays, which can mean added fun and festivities, but it can also mean added stress, calories, and overwhelm.

I want you to enjoy your holiday season to the fullest and enter the new year feeling energized and excited.

Here are a couple of articles and ideas to help you do that:

Be on the lookout for the "holiday blues." The holidays can be the "most wonderful time of the year," but they can also be very challenging emotionally and physically. Check out this article to help you beat the "holiday blues."

Holiday Depression: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Coping

And here is another article that thoughtfully examines the causes of and ways to prevent an emotional dip during the holidays -- I identified with a few of these, especially the tip about expectations not matching reality. How about you?

Why We Often Feel Lonely During the Holidays—and How to Cope (Especially This Year)

Wishing you all the best during this intense time of year!