Is clutter getting in the way of your well-being?
I have to admit, I have never heard of it until someone I follow posted:
April 26 is “Get Organized Day”!
What does being organized have to do with your well-being? More than you know!
Research shows that physical clutter can cause stress, feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and more. And when you declutter, you aren’t just reducing the clutter and disorganization in your physical space, but you are also relieving clutter and distraction in your mind.
I always suggest it’s better to declutter before you organize. Why organize things that shouldn’t be there in the first place? Most of us have too much stuff, so we need less stuff, not more storage and organizing containers.
What are some of the benefits you’ll experience to various dimensions of your well-being through organizing and decluttering your space and your mind?
- Your space looks and feels better, and you will enjoy your time in it more and feel more relaxed.
- You’ll be able to concentrate better in your space, whether at home or at the office.
- You may save money because you can find and see what you have.
- You can save time and frustration by not having to look for things that you’ve misplaced.
- You’ll avoid feelings of stress when you are running late to get out the door or to a meeting and can’t find what you are looking for.
- You’ll feel more in control in every area of your life that feels decluttered and organized.
- You’ll sleep better in an organized bedroom.
- You’ll fight less with your partner or others in your home about clutter and out-of-place items.
- You’ll feel more at ease letting people into your office or home (no more embarrassment at those surprise visits!)
- Organizing can help you burn some calories - I always get in my 10,000 daily steps on days that I’m decluttering and organizing without any extra walking.
There are emotional benefits, too.
- Are you able to release things you haven’t used in a long time and with them guilt over a purchase you didn’t ultimately use?
- Are you able to let go of some items related to challenging times, hard relationships, or painful memories?
- Can you release some items, knowing that if you find you ultimate need something like them, you can afford to buy it again (an “abundance mentality”) and that you won’t be hard on yourself for making the choices you made?
Research has shown that women who have messy homes have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout the day, while women with organized homes felt more relaxed and less stressed.
And a couple more fun facts related to your physical well-being:
- You’ll sleep better with less clutter: Christa O’Leary, author of “Home in Harmony”, said, “If you wake up and are immediately depleted by your surroundings, it will impact your wellbeing as you move through the rest of your day. … We might eventually ignore the clutter on a conscious level because it’s been there for so long, but on an unconscious level the brain wants to complete the task.”
- You’ll eat better with less clutter: According to a study in the Journal of Psychological Science, people who worked in a tidier space for 10 minutes were twice as likely to choose an apple instead of a chocolate bar than those who worked in a messy office for the same amount of time. “Clutter is stressful for the brain, so you are more likely to resort to coping mechanisms, such as choosing comfort foods or overeating, than if you spend time in neater surroundings,” says Dr. Eva Selhub, MD, author of “Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Illness, Feel Better, and Live Longer.”
Spring is finally here, so April 26’s “Get Organized Day” is right on time for spring cleaning and refreshing. I hope a few of the ideas above have inspired you to take a little time to declutter, organize, and refresh your space - your well-being will thank you for it!