Celebrating Well-Being Week in Law goals growth health mindset well-being

Reasons to Embrace Well-Being Week and How To Do It


Happy May! I can’t believe it’s already May and the first four months of the year are complete.  At the beginning of the year, Well-Being Week in Law felt so far away, but now it's right around the corner. 

Next week...

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Embracing the Power of Old (and New) Ties: Networking lessons learned over brunch change growth happiness productivity

How connections are important to your well-being, growth, and success!


Last Saturday morning, I had the delightful opportunity to serve as the emcee for the University of Minnesota School of Law Alumnae Brunch, hosted by the Minnesota Law AluMNae Network during our alumni weekend. 


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Embrace the Habits of Elite Athletes: A Guide for Lawyers and Legal Professionals confidence growth performance work/life balance

Treat yourself like the high-performer that you are!

Heidi Brown, author of "The Flourishing Lawyer," was the guest expert on the EsquireWell Academy Monthly Masterclass. We had such a fabulous discussion about the “Lawyer’s Peak Performance Playbook” - how to unleash your inner...

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Legal Success Starts Within: Recognizing Your Worth confidence growth mindset well-being

How valuing who you are leads to improved well-being and performance.


The other day, I saw this quote by Malcolm Forbes:

 “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

Wow - gut punch. How many of us focus much more on the things we “are...

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Transform Challenges into Opportunities: The Power of Cognitive Reframing growth habit happiness mindset

Making lemonade as a strategy for success!


This past Monday was President’s Day, so our kids were off of school. We decided to grab lunch at their favorite place (Cane’s Chicken) and go see a movie (“Wonka”).

The box combo at Cane’s is a hefty meal, so we had...

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Words Matter! Create a culture of caring and belonging using inclusive language. authenticity change growth mindset

Choose your words thoughtfully - words have power!

It’s been a busy few weeks in our home! After the holidays, we got out of the chilly Minnesota winter for a bit to escape to Florida. And since then, we’ve been using at least one day a week to visit colleges with our youngest...

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Embrace the Healing Power of Nature growth health performance well-being

Elevate your legal game by stepping into the great outdoors.


I’m writing this from the patio at our AirBNB in Florida as our family wraps up a little “snow-bird” trip from frost-bitten Minnesota to balmy southern Florida! 

My family is still asleep, so I’m...

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What to do BEFORE you jump into your New Yearā€™s resolutions change growth mindset

2023 is officially in the rearview mirror! As we bid farewell to 2023 and venture into the uncharted waters of 2024, it's crucial for lawyers and legal professionals to take a moment to reflect on the past year with a sense of gratitude. 

If you’re anything like me, 2023 likely brought...

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A Year-End Pause for Reflection and Restoration goals growth well-being

As we approach the end of another year, it's a perfect time to pause, reflect, and gather our strength for the journey ahead. I’ve been inspired by your dedication and growth throughout 2023, and I’m so grateful for your continued presence in our EsquireWell community.  


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How to use emotional intelligence for end-of-year business development goals growth money

Thanksgiving is behind us, and “year-end” is in full swing. This means three things: Starbucks is using their seasonal coffee cups, holiday music is playing in every store, and clients are reevaluating their current legal representation. 

For this week, I wanted to take a moment...

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World Mental Health Day Edition: Itā€™s okay not to be okay! growth self-care strength vulnerability

Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 10) is World Mental Health Day. Mental health is a foundational component of well-being, so I want to devote this blog to mental health and breaking down the stigmas around it.  

World Mental Health Day: A Brief History

Every year on October 10th, the...

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What the fall leaves are trying to tell you change growth mindset

Here in Minnesota, it’s the peak of the fall colors. We are very proud of our beautifully colored fall leaves, so much so that we have a “Fall Color Finder so you know where to go on your fall weekends to check out the best autumn leaves in the state. Right now,...

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