It’s Well-Being Week in Law! health well-being

Happy May 1! It’s incredible that May is already here, and - with it - Mental Health Awareness Month.

And not only that, this week, May 1 - May 5, is Well-Being Week in Law. Every year, the first week of May is designated “Well-Being Week in Law” (WWIL), and many...

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Is clutter getting in the way of your well-being? health simplicity stress

I have to admit, I have never heard of it until someone I follow posted:

April 26 is “Get Organized Day”!

What does being organized have to do with your well-being? More than you know!

Research shows that physical clutter can cause stress, feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, depression,...

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It's not all about how smart you are! health mindset strength work/life balance

This week, I want to introduce you to the four main components of emotional intelligence. This is a topic that's been coming up so much in my coaching and speaking work, so I wanted to share the nuts and bolts with you.

I'm guessing you might have heard of emotional intelligence before, but I...

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An unlikely combo: Leadership, crackers, and compassion health self-care

Last week, I had the stomach flu. 

I haven't had a stomach bug in the longest time, and it laid me flat. 

I had forgotten how horrible the stomach flu feels. It's like childbirth - you forget how awful the pain is once it has passed. Same with the flu you know it stinks, but you forget...

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We don't talk about ... money! Oh yes, we do! goals health money well-being

In my work, I don't shy away from the hard topics, the awkward questions, and the subjects that make us feel uncomfortable. Why not? Because that's where the growth is!

Plus, I always believe that it doesn't do anyone any favors to not talk about the things that we really need to talk...

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My High Ropes Course Lessons confidence growth health

Last week, my family took a quick vacation to Florida. Since we live in Minnesota, winter can feel pretty dismal, and our annual getaways to Florida have become an important tradition to get us through the long, cold winter.

I never used to understand why people would take time in the winter to...

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Beat the Holiday Blues health self-care

It's the first week of December and the last month of 2022. We are in the season of holidays, which can mean added fun and festivities, but it can also mean added stress, calories, and overwhelm.

I want you to enjoy your holiday season to the fullest and enter the new year feeling energized and...

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Welcome to October health self-care

The temperatures are falling and so are the leaves. Welcome to October in EsquireWell, here are a few things I wanted to be sure you knew about:

  • Mental Illness Awareness Week is coming up October 3-7. Sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the theme this year is “What...
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