Shape your future with two simple words goals mindset

Wow - how is it the last day of July? I can’t believe we are in the waning days of summer. It feels like it just started.

I had so many plans for things I was going to accomplish this summer.

I was going to:

  • Have a clean, organized basement.
  • Lose a few extra pounds that had crept on over...
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The least selfish thing you can do today health self-care well-being

Happy Self-Care Day! 

You read that right - July 24 is Self-Care Day. Why July 24? Because self-care is important 24/7 (or 7/24). 

What is self-care, and why is it so important for your health? “Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care...

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Using birthday candles to ignite new habits goals habit

Happy Monday! Our EsquireWell community continues to grow, and I'm so happy you are here!

It feels like summer is officially at least half over. 

My birthday was yesterday, and when I was growing up, it always felt like once my birthday was over, the new school year was around the corner.


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Deep life lessons from blood-sucking mosquitoes growth strength

Welcome back to a five-day workweek after last week’s shortened 4th of July week! It’s tricky when the Fourth of July falls on a Tuesday, isn’t it? 

I don’t know about you, but I barely knew what day it was most of last week, and I found myself pushing pretty hard to...

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Anything worth having is worth waiting for goals growth well-being

It’s Fourth of July week, and I hope you had a wonderful long weekend! Did you get to see fireworks? With such a dry spell in so many areas of the country, I saw that some areas were having “laser shows” rather than fireworks because the burn risk was so high. Whatever you did...

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You can’t control everything, but you can control this change growth mindset

It’s been a long string of hot days here in Minnesota. We aren’t known for our heat here in the Great North, so 2-3 weeks of 85+ degree days is pretty amazing (and it makes “July babies” like me very happy)!

This summer, I’ve been doing quite a bit of teaching and...

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I don't usually "go rogue" but I will on this ... happiness self-care stress

This past weekend, I took a quick trip down to my hometown of Franklin Grove, Illinois (population: 950). The kids were occupied at various camps and activities, and my husband (Ryan) and I were able to get away just the two of us which was particularly nice because Saturday was our 23rd wedding...

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How to not let your work define you change mindset

I hope your first couple of weeks of summer are off to a great start and that you are settling into your summer routine.

Do you have a summer routine? Does it look a little different than your “usual” routine - either by necessity (kids off for the summer) or design (just wanting a...

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My greatest fear when I was 10-years-old change growth mindset

(I took this for you at our cabin last weekend when I got up to watch the sunrise.)

It’s the last week of school in our home. Here in Minnesota, we start school after Labor Day, so we don’t end until the second week of June. I really don’t mind it - it’s nice to get in...

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No pain, no gain - but not the way you think growth health mindset self-care

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

If you have kids and they are out of school, I hope your summer is off to a great start. I know (from years of personal experience) that this can be a particularly crazy time of year, and I hope that you are walking through it as gracefully as...

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Saying “no” to the good to pursue the great mindset simplicity

How are we in the last few days of May? Is it just me, or has May simply flown by?

May is always a full month - I’ve learned that over many years, but I usually forget until it sneaks up on me. So when I find myself more overwhelmed than usual this time of year, I have to remind myself that...

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Why you should be playing more - no matter what your age! having what matters simplicity well-being

I love a good obscure, little known “holiday”! 

Some are a little over the top, like “Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day” (January 22, in case you want to celebrate it next year.)

But some of those “holidays” get me thinking about something that I...

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