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Embracing Happiness in the Legal World: Lessons from World Happiness Day happiness mindset well-being work/life balance

Yesterday (March 20) was the “United Nations International Day of Happiness”, and it also marked the release of the annual “Happiest Countries” report. (Here’s the full report in case you are interested - fascinating stuff, but a hefty 158 pages!) This topic is...

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Rethinking Sleep: A Necessity for Legal Professionals habit health performance self-care

How often have we heard or even said to ourselves, "I'll sleep when I'm dead"? 

It's a common refrain in the legal profession, where long hours and late nights are often worn as badges of honor. But at what cost? 

Tomorrow (March 15) is World Sleep Day, so I invited my dear friend and...

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Legal Success Starts Within: Recognizing Your Worth confidence growth mindset well-being

 The other day, I saw this quote by Malcolm Forbes:

 “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

Wow - gut punch. How many of us focus much more on the things we “are not” or “can’t do” instead of all of the...

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The Power of Disconnecting: Celebrating National Unplugging Day habit health self-care stress

I’m on my phone … a lot. I’ll admit it. I try not to use it when I should otherwise be present with others, but even then, I’m guilty of a quick under-the-table email glance. I’m working on it, really I am.

Even yesterday, this came up in our family. Our daughter...

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Transform Challenges into Opportunities: The Power of Cognitive Reframing growth habit happiness mindset

This past Monday was President’s Day, so our kids were off of school. We decided to grab lunch at their favorite place (Cane’s Chicken) and go see a movie (“Wonka”).

The box combo at Cane’s is a hefty meal, so we had a few extra chicken tenders. In my rush to get to...

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Using love as a secret weapon to help you feel and perform better! confidence self-care well-being

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

On Valentine’s Day, we usually talk about showering love on others. Chocolates, roses, greeting cards, dinners out. It’s usually all about someone else.

But what if we took a moment today to turn some of that Valentine’s love inward toward...

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Seasons of life and work: It’s not about having it all; it’s about having what matters! change happiness having what matters self-care work/life balance

I’m always watching for themes and patterns, and one thing that’s been coming up this last week in questions following the presentations I’m giving and in my private coaching is the theme of “seasons.” (And I don’t mean meteorological seasons, even though it is...

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Words Matter! Create a culture of caring and belonging using inclusive language. authenticity change growth mindset

It’s been a busy few weeks in our home! After the holidays, we got out of the chilly Minnesota winter for a bit to escape to Florida. And since then, we’ve been using at least one day a week to visit colleges with our youngest daughter.

This past week, we spent Thursday and Friday on...

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Compliments: The Legal Team's Recipe for Success 🍰 confidence happiness mindset

Is it just me, or is January flying by? How is it already the third week of January? That being said, as a Minnesotan, I’m already longing for sunnier, warmer days and just bought some tulip bulbs in a pot for my kitchen counter to remind me that spring will be here soon!

One thing that can...

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Embrace the Healing Power of Nature growth health performance well-being

I’m writing this from the patio at our AirBNB in Florida as our family wraps up a little “snow-bird” trip from frost-bitten Minnesota to balmy southern Florida! 

My family is still asleep, so I’m sitting outside, coffee cup in hand, thinking of you and zipping out...

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Is a Tidier Desk Your Secret Weapon for Well-Being and Productivity? efficiency productivity simplicity well-being

I spent a lot of time at the end of last year tidying and organizing. “Out with the old, in with the new,” as they say! And that’s continued into the new year - I’m trying to take some time every day to sort through old papers, files, books, and other stuff that I just...

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What to do BEFORE you jump into your New Year’s resolutions change growth mindset

2023 is officially in the rearview mirror! As we bid farewell to 2023 and venture into the uncharted waters of 2024, it's crucial for lawyers and legal professionals to take a moment to reflect on the past year with a sense of gratitude. 

If you’re anything like me, 2023 likely brought...

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