The Surprising Power of Adult Friendships health well-being work/life balance

One week ago today, my husband and I were just getting back from a few days spent in Austin, Texas with two of our dear friends from college.

Getting away isn’t easy for us. Between our full-time work and two kids still at home, it’s pretty challenging to find coverage for our...

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Iā€™m sharing something that very few people know health vulnerability

First, I want to tell you how grateful I am that you are a part of this community. 

I don’t take your time or attention for granted at all, and I work each week to write things that I hope will be meaningful, impactful, and actionable for you in some way.

This week, I’m going to...

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World Mental Health Day Edition: Itā€™s okay not to be okay! growth self-care strength vulnerability

Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 10) is World Mental Health Day. Mental health is a foundational component of well-being, so I want to devote this blog to mental health and breaking down the stigmas around it.  

World Mental Health Day: A Brief History

Every year on October 10th, the...

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What the fall leaves are trying to tell you change growth mindset

Here in Minnesota, it’s the peak of the fall colors. We are very proud of our beautifully colored fall leaves, so much so that we have a “Fall Color Finder so you know where to go on your fall weekends to check out the best autumn leaves in the state. Right now,...

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What I learned from painting my house toothpaste green change confidence fear

After 17 years of living in our home, we finally decided to repaint this year. We’ve done significant remodels to the inside of our home, but the outside was always “just fine.”

So this year we decided it was time for an exterior facelift. I went through the (literally) hundreds...

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The fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to calm down growth habit simplicity

Full confession: the last few weeks have felt a bit more harried than usual, and even though I try to be a good role model in all things well-being (you know, “walking the talk” and all), sometimes I have to remind myself of the very things I speak and coach about.

This time of year...

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A few words that could change everything health mindset simplicity

Sometimes we all need a little boost, especially this time of year.

It seems like most people are dealing with a host of demands right now:

  • Welcoming new students or associates

  • Planning fall programming

  • Preparing for 2024 budgets

  • New billing years around the corner

  • Fall or annual...

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How healthy pressure fuels your performance growth stress work/life balance

Happy Tuesday!  This is coming to you Tuesday morning (rather than the usual Monday morning jumpstart to your week) since yesterday was Labor Day, and I hoped you were offline enjoying time with family and friends during the long weekend.

My family hit the Minnesota State Fair as we do each...

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Balancing breaks and billables health well-being work/life balance

In our home, there’s one more weekend before the start of the school year (Minnesota schools typically start after Labor Day; I know many of your schools are already back in session.)

That means a few more late nights watching our favorite streaming shows with our teenagers.

One more...

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The surprising power of simple pleasures happiness mindset simplicity

Happy Monday! I hope you had a terrific weekend!

It’s hard to believe that summer is basically over. Many of you with school-age kids have already taken your “first day of the new school year” pictures and put your kids on the bus for their first day of school.

Here in...

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The one thing people never forget about you authenticity strength vulnerability

After almost two weeks out of the office on a service and learning trip to El Salvador and Guatemala, I’m back!

I’ve got quite a bit of digging out to do (sorry if I owe you an email - I promise to get back to you as soon as I can!), but the treasure trove of memories I made over the...

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The terrifying joy of taking risks fear growth vulnerability

Hello from Antigua, Guatemala!

I’m out of the country on a service and learning trip to El Salvador and a little tourist stop in Antigua, Guatemala. 

It’s been an incredible trip with my husband and our two daughters. We’ve spent the last week building schools and improving...

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