Embrace the Healing Power of Nature growth health performance well-being

Elevate your legal game by stepping into the great outdoors.


I’m writing this from the patio at our AirBNB in Florida as our family wraps up a little “snow-bird” trip from frost-bitten Minnesota to balmy southern Florida! 

My family is still asleep, so I’m...

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Is a Tidier Desk Your Secret Weapon for Well-Being and Productivity? efficiency productivity simplicity well-being

5 Ways a Clean Workspace Can Improve Well-Being and Productivity


(Before I jump into this week’s thoughts, I wanted to point out the two programs coming up later in January - so after you read the “Note,” be sure to scroll down, check those programs out, register, and...

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What to do BEFORE you jump into your New Year’s resolutions change growth mindset

2023 is officially in the rearview mirror! As we bid farewell to 2023 and venture into the uncharted waters of 2024, it's crucial for lawyers and legal professionals to take a moment to reflect on the past year with a sense of gratitude. 

If you’re anything like me, 2023 likely brought...

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A Year-End Pause for Reflection and Restoration goals growth well-being

As we approach the end of another year, it's a perfect time to pause, reflect, and gather our strength for the journey ahead. I’ve been inspired by your dedication and growth throughout 2023, and I’m so grateful for your continued presence in our EsquireWell community.  


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Permission to not be “holly jolly” during the holidays holidays stress well-being

The winter solstice is this week on Thursday, December 21. It’s the longest day of the year. And the darkest day of the year.

The church I used to play the organ at always held an annual “Blue Christmas” service on the equinox. At first, when I heard about it, I didn’t get...

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The Underrated Value of Hobbies for Legal Professionals happiness health well-being

It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get it all done. Work, family commitments, home management, community and volunteer activities, and so on, and so on.

What’s the first thing that falls off the list for many of us - hobbies. Our enjoyable pastimes and things we do...

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Focus on Well-Being in the 2023 Home Stretch! happiness self-care stress

Welcome to December! It’s that complicated time of year where many of us try to celebrate holidays and fill our homes with peace, love, and joy while feeling the opposite at work!

We get to experience the competing emotions of joy and stress. As courtrooms and boardrooms grow quiet and...

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How to use emotional intelligence for end-of-year business development goals growth money

Thanksgiving is behind us, and “year-end” is in full swing. This means three things: Starbucks is using their seasonal coffee cups, holiday music is playing in every store, and clients are reevaluating their current legal representation. 

For this week, I wanted to take a moment...

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A Great Day for Gratitude: 3 reasons and 3 ways to show it! health mindset well-being


It’s the week of Thanksgiving here in the United States, so “Happy Thanksgiving” if you are based in the US! 

Of course, Thanksgiving makes me think of “giving thanks” (of course!) which brings up the idea of gratitude. 

As a lawyer or legal...

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Do you have FOPO (Fear of Other People's Opinions)? confidence fear well-being

True confession: Sometimes I care too much about what other people think. 

There, I said it. I know I teach this stuff, but I’d be lying to you if I said that I have some superhuman power to stand strong in my own confidence and self-worth all the time, not caring a bit what others...

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5 Ways to Stay Physically Healthy During the Holiday Season health self-care stress

Buckle up, it’s here - the holiday season! For our Canadian friends, Thanksgiving is already in the rearview mirror, and for those of us in the United States, it’s just three weeks away. That’s not to mention the long list of winter holidays between now and January.

So brace...

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The “Trick or Treat” of Psychological Safety strength stress

Tomorrow is Halloween! 

(If you haven’t picked up candy for your trick-or-treaters, this is your reminder to do that tonight after work!)

It may feel like a strange juxtaposition, but thinking about Halloween also made me think of psychological safety, something I’ve been...

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