The #1 person to buy chocolates for on Valentine's Day authenticity strength

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and it can be a complicated day for a lot of people. Some people celebrate it with their partners with roses, chocolates, and such, while for others it can bring up painful feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Remember (even though it's hard sometimes), a relationship...

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My High Ropes Course Lessons confidence growth health

Last week, my family took a quick vacation to Florida. Since we live in Minnesota, winter can feel pretty dismal, and our annual getaways to Florida have become an important tradition to get us through the long, cold winter.

I never used to understand why people would take time in the winter to...

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If you can't say something nice ... goals growth habit

How is it possible that January 2023 is almost in the rearview mirror? I hope your first month of the new year has been a terrific one!

How are your New Year's goals and resolutions sticking? Are you feeling overwhelmed with work this month with unfinished work from 2022 with new work piled on...

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Celebrating MLK Day and Lunar New Year change goals

Today, we observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

One of my favorite quotes of Dr. King is this one: "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

This quote is such a beautiful reminder that no...

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Learn the Exact Strategies I'm Going to Use to Hit My 2023 Goals! Let's do this together! goals growth habit

How is your 2023 so far? I've been thinking of you and hoping that your new year is going great!

Did you set New Year's resolutions and goals? I did! 

Yes, we can set new goals any time, but the new year is a particularly good time to set them. Something about the "out with the old, in with...

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You've got your New Year's Resolutions set ... now what? Learn how to build new habits and reach your goals! goals habit mindset

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2023!

I always get so excited at the beginning of the year. It feels like such a clean start and full of promise and opportunity. Of course, every day can be a fresh start, but there is something powerful about the start of a new year.

This month, we will be focused...

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Learning from 2022 Before Launching Into 2023 change goals growth

It's the last week of the year! It's a perfect time for planning and setting goals and resolutions, but before you do that, I encourage you to take time to reflect on the last 52 weeks.

Don't miss out on the learning opportunities from the last year by diving into the newness and freshness of the...

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Courage Before Confidence confidence strength

With only two full weeks left in 2022, I hope you are finding some time to take care of yourself. Many of you are facing end-of-year deadlines at work, holiday shopping/wrapping/festivities, and all of the drama of the season.

A few things to think about as you face year-end and set goals for the...

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Beat the Holiday Blues health self-care

It's the first week of December and the last month of 2022. We are in the season of holidays, which can mean added fun and festivities, but it can also mean added stress, calories, and overwhelm.

I want you to enjoy your holiday season to the fullest and enter the new year feeling energized and...

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Workweek Jumpstart | Gratitude happiness having what matters mindset

Here in the United States, it's Thanksgiving Week. Not only is it important take a moment on a regular basis to be thankful because it helps us keep perspective, but it's also good for our health and well-being.

Check out these articles and resources that show why gratitude is so important, not...

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Welcome to October health self-care

The temperatures are falling and so are the leaves. Welcome to October in EsquireWell, here are a few things I wanted to be sure you knew about:

  • Mental Illness Awareness Week is coming up October 3-7. Sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the theme this year is “What...
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Sources to Gather Strength Every Day imposter syndrome self-care strength

Are you feeling tired? Overwhelmed? Like you don’t know how you will get it all done?

When you’re in need of a pick-me-up, J.D. Meier recommends leveraging four sources of strength: your mind, body, emotions and spirit.


We can take our brainpower for granted, but we rely on it...

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